Minimalist design is one of the most significant design movements of the 20th century and early 21st century. It isn’t the flashiest, or the most popular, but it arguably penetrated more fields than almost any other art or design trend.
Minimalist design has been described as design at its most basic, stripped of superfluous elements, colors, shapes and textures. Its purpose is to make the content stand out and be the focal point. From a visual standpoint, minimalist design is meant to be calming and to bring the mind down to the basics.
Fundamental principles of minimalism are sharp lines, solid surfaces, low furniture, and basic colors and pastel shades. Although, lately there appeared softer shapes, more colors and textures.
Minimalism in interior design means spacious rooms with minimum of furniture and details. The main element of this style is attention to shape, color and texture. Planning doesn’t suppose dividing into rooms; furniture, cloth or glass partitions play the role of separators. In modern minimalism design accent is made on sharp geometric shapes and asymmetry. Shape prevails over purpose. Furniture must have streamline shapes and upholstered with neutral colored leather. Shiny surfaces and straight lines look amazing in this interior. Details should be made of stainless steel or chrome. The amount of accessories should be minimal. Floor should be made of materials that are easy to clean and take care of – wood, linoleum or stone tile.
Most minimalist interiors have a simple approach to color—keep it light and simple. You will notice that minimalist homes usually have rather large windows that allow natural light to fill the room. You may also notice that wall colors are usually quite neutral, with a splash of modern red or other bold colors used sparingly via accent walls or accessories would be just great).
There are some studies that show that minimalism can be good for your health.
Our brains are funny and complicated organs. They react to symmetry, in a positive way. Simplicity and symmetry make you calm. This is just one of the benefits of minimalist interior design — minimal designed homes are usually simple and symmetrical in design and layout, thereby giving you a happier outlook when you walk in the door.
Enjoy our collection of best minimal design ideas.